Gratitude and Invitation to Year-End Giving


Your year-end gift matters; please consider supporting our work!

“I have a new imagination for the future of my own faith and for how that might play out in community.”

“I was unexpectedly surprised by the depth of the content and speakers.”

“It left me with a lot to think about and gave me a much needed awareness of how much work must still be done in me as an individual.”

“The trust built within my cohort and the diamonds that erupted were really incredibly valuable.”

Testimonies from the Past Year

Dear Friends,

As we near the end of 2023 at the Center for Faith and Justice, gratitude abounds for our many supporters, glimmers of hope surround us in the midst of a world in turmoil, and I am honored to share some highlights from the past year.

A Clarifying Mission: Theological Education for Everyone
Amid many changes, our driving mission is clearer than ever: we are working toward a world where everyone can do the work of theology for themselves. We believe theological education is a social justice issue, and access to working out why we believe what we believe is a fundamental human right.

The F+J Fellowship continues to provide a vital core community for our work together. Over 40 people from across the country in five different cohorts with eight leaders are gathering twice a month throughout the year to dig deeper into theological texts, spiritual questions, and life together.

The F+J Network community, comprising over 200 people, provides opportunities for learning from speakers and content that lead to honest, probing questions and conversations.

Partnerships: Local congregations across the country provide crucial grounding for our work. This year, we held events at City Church SF, Riverside Church in the City of New York, and First Presbyterian Church of Annapolis.

New grant awards have led to exciting collaborative projects thanks to San Francisco Theological Seminary, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity School, and Princeton Theological Seminary (with support from Trinity Church Wall Street Foundation). A major new project focusing on “Preaching Justice” will begin in Fall 2024 with the support of a $1.25m Lilly grant.

Your Support Matters: We are depending on generous supporters like you for roughly 20% of our operating budget this fiscal year (Sep 2023 – Aug 2024), with a goal of raising half of that by the end of 2023. Have you experienced meaningful encouragement in your faith journey through our events or network or fellowship program? You know how crucial good theology is for building a better world. Please consider helping us raise $34,500 for this vital work.

Your continued support has been the cornerstone of our success and growth. In this season of longing for a more just world, we are grateful for friends and partners like you.

Wishing you hope, peace, and joy this Advent,

Peter Choi
Executive Director

P.S. Access to theological education is a social justice issue with effects that reverberate into every sphere of life. Your support empowers our far-flung community of learners to build a more just world. Thank you for considering a year-end gift!

P.O. Box 641049, San Francisco, CA 94164
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The Faith and Justice Network

Seeking Faith, Learning Justice

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