Faith and Justice Update | December 2024

Imagining Life Together

December 2024

After an amazing fall season, we are looking with great anticipation to 2025. This January, we will gather once again in San Francisco to imagine life together as a way to move with faith into the future. Hahrie Han, Paula Williams, Yii-Jan Lin, and Angela Parker will guide us into a new season of learning about the work of justice.

Imagination is a powerful discipline of hope, enabling us to envision spiritual community in an ever-evolving world. As Christena Cleveland reminds us, “Imagination is theology; we can only believe what we can imagine.” Fueled by our anger at oppressive realities, imagination moves us toward a collective vision for transformation. This holy and creative act can unlock new pathways for action and justice. We hope you'll join us as we reflect on the future of faith by imagining life together.

Our Spring Focus on Justice will Feature Books on Politics, Sexuality, Immigration, and Race

What does Christian faith have to say about politics and love of neighbor? Gender and trans identity? Immigration and how we relate to foreigners? Racial hierarchy and violence? It turns out a great deal.

From February through May, we will tackle these challenging, urgent, and vital topics to embody a faith that calls us to love and justice. Four important recent books by Hahrie Han, Paula Williams, Yii-Jan Lin, and Angela Paker will guide our conversations.

The Faith and Justice Podcast

In the latest episode of the Faith and Justice Podcast, Angie Hong and Peter Choi discuss Christena Cleveland’s book, God Is a Black Woman, by retracing the progression of her public writings beginning with her first book, Disunity in Christ. Topics include whitemalegod, the Sacred Black Feminine, immigrant culture, grounding practices, and Christmas music.

Please Consider a Year-End Gift

We have had a wonderful year with new and ongoing initiatives for laypersons, seminarians, and preachers. The work happening at Faith and Justice is more needed than ever in our divided times.

We talk about faith deconstruction and disorientation, ask what it looks like to preach justice, explore God and theology through the lens of blackness and femininity, encourage open exploration across lines of difference to avoid identitarian pitfalls, foster communal spaces for deep relational formation, and much more. Your support makes this work possible. Please consider a year-end gift to help our work flourish in the new year.


The Faith and Justice Network

Seeking Faith, Learning Justice

Read more from The Faith and Justice Network

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